Shipped Titles

Far Cry 6: Lost Between Worlds
2022 | PS4, PS5, Xbox, PC
Lost Between Worlds is a rogue-like expansion to Far Cry 6.
As a designer on Lost Between Worlds, my focus was on leveraging the game's rogue-like format to create new challenges for players to overcome.

Merge Dragons!
Versions 6.4.0-8.4.0
2021-2022 | IOS, Android
Merge Dragons! is a top-down puzzle game for mobile devices.
As a designer on Merge Dragons! my focus was on adding new features to improve daily player engagement and increase player spending.

Far Cry 6
2021 | PS4, PS5, Xbox, PC
Far Cry 6 is a AAA open-world FPS with some RPG elements.
As a designer on the Live team, my focus was on utilizing existing game content to create new challenges and experiences for players which would keep them coming back to the game long after release.
Featured Projects

Day Planner Prototype
2019 | Unity | PC
Day Planner Prototype is a 2D Puzzle game which has players rearranging shapes to schedule their day.
This prototype won first place in Ubisoft's Future Women in Games competition. It was completed as an individual project over the course of a multi-step 4 month challenge.

2022 | Unity | PC
Ignotus is a 3D puzzle-platformer where players can heat and cool objects to change their properties and progress through the level.
The project was created for my team's Capstone to complete our Game Design degree and was showcased in 2022's XP Games summit.
Project Scaleable
2021 | Unreal Engine | PC
Project Scaleable is a first-person 3D puzzle game where the player can scale and rotate cubes and spheres to solve puzzles and create structures to progress through the level.
The design was highly inspired by Breath of the Wild's systemic approach to puzzles.
Additional Projects
Design, Programming
Inspired by Tangrams, Trigon Flip has players flip triangles into empty spaces to change their colour and draw pictures. The game originally started as a physical prototype and was edited to work on pc.
Design, Programming
A top-down 3D puzzle game game focused on using magnets to push and pull objects to navigate through the environment. Trying to move heavy objects pushes/pulls the player instead creating new puzzle opportunities.
Design, Programming
Grocery Shopping is a first-person horror game based on the prompt "fear".
Grocery Shopping has been successful receiving over 2,000 views and over 700 downloads on
A board-game de-make exploring how the Override mechanic from Horizon Zero Dawn could work in the context of a board game.
Created using Miro to prototype in a fully remote environment.
Design, Programming, 3D art
A 3D boss-fight against an AI enemy.
Created as an exercise in AI programming and design.
Coded in Unity using a combination of finite state machines and behaviour trees
Design, Programming, 3D art
A turn-based strategy game where players position and angle pirate ships. Players have full control over their ship's accuracy with the combat system factoring position & angles rather than utilizing rng.